The Future of Transportation

15:00 - 16:30 - Round Table Discussion – What Effect will Disruptive Mobility Technology and New Personal Transportation Options Have on Business Models and Strategies for Automotive Manufacturers? Andy Toth, investment director, Plug and Play Ventures, GERMANY Claude-Etienne Armingaud, partner, K&L Gates, FRANCE Alexander Satanowsky, manager, technology transfer, Daimler AG, GERMANY Tobias Weiper, Managing Director …
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Table Ronde – Ma voiture, mes donnees : comment la reglementation permettra au consommateur d’exercer son choix ?

Accueil à partir de 8h30 9h00 à 9h30 : Thomas Chieux, Responsable de la recherche ICDP en France : « Quelles sont les attentes des clients en après-vente et contre quoi seraient-ils prêts à partager leurs données ? » Intervention suivie de questions-réponses avec les participants 9h30 à 10h00 - Bernard Jullien, chercheur en économie …
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GDPR applied to the non-profit sector: How to be compliant by May 2018?

When the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) goes into effect on 25 May 2018, it will change the landscape of regulated data protection law and the way that companies collect personal data. Make sure you and your organisation are prepared. At this ENCATC Breakfast gain an understanding of what GDPR is, how it will …
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[CNIS Event] Data, Users & Devices : Administrer la securite, Conseils & Solutions (IAM, DLP, SIEM, SOC … etre GDPR-ready)

IAM, DLP, SIEM, SOC … autant de sigles indispensables à connaître, de plateformes indispensables à maîtriser pour administrer la sécurité au sein des entreprises. Une matinée pour faire le point sur les dernières technologies dans ces domaines, apprendre toutes les stratégies possibles pour maîtriser au mieux la Sécurité du SI notamment quand il faut conjuguer …
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US Startups in France – Making it Work

Often perceived as an overly administrative country, France is undergoing a digital (r)evolution. From the opening of Station F, the largest startup campus in the world, to the recent election of President Emmanuel Macron, France has been described as the "Silicon Valley of Europe” (John Chambers, Executive Chairman, Cisco). Please join us for breakfast and …
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Breakfast on ICO’s Regulatory environment in France and the EU

ICOs have probably been the biggest disrupter of venture capital over the past year. As such, it is no surprise that regulators are trying to assess this new trend, in order to secure potential investors from what may be perceived as the new digital Wild West. France’s market regulator, the AMF, launched a consultation in …
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Intellectual Property, Innovation and Protection – the new challenges of the digital revolution

APCO Worldwide Paris 12 bis, rue Kepler, Paris, France

The changes brought by the digital revolution are imposing new challenges on businesses. In addition to data protection and cybersecurity, companies are facing an increased risk of intellectual property litigation while they are not as well protected for their digital inventions as they are for their traditional physical inventions. Companies must then adopt a clear …
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Changing Global Data Breach Notification Laws: Regulatory Trends

Privacy and legal professionals are challenged to ensure their organizations are compliant with ever-changing U.S. state, federal and international breach notification regulatory requirements. Not only are there existing regulations to research and understand, but at any given time, there are also active bills to be aware of that could completely change the landscape of regulatory …
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The U.S. – EU Digital Agenda: A Trans-Atlantic Business Council and K&L Gates Symposium

K&L Gates Washington DC 1601 K Street, NW, Washington D.C., DC, DC, United States

“Data is the new oil”—the lifeblood of the modern economy. So far, the Internet and the digital economy have benefited from relatively light touch governmental intervention. But is change coming? And are the U.S. and EU headed in different directions regarding the treatment of data and digital companies? On Monday, December 10th, there will be …
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🇺🇸 2nd Artificial Intelligence in Corporate Counsel & Law Practice Conference – Successfully extracting the full potential from your data through optimal use of AI

Vienna, Austria

The legal profession is undergoing a technological revolution which will transform and drive innovation across all areas involved in the provision of legal services. What are the strategic requirements and commercial implications of artificial intelligence within individual organisations, be they legal counsels or legal practices? Where will the benefits lie? Moreover, what are the competency …
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