K&L Gates ranked “Highly Recommended” with Claude-Etienne Armingaud.

Source: Leaders League


K&L Gates ranked “Highly Recommended” with Claude-Etienne Armingaud.

Source: Leaders League


Practice head(s):Claude-Etienne Armingaud


‘The team is well versed and up to date on the current standards and practices. Team members are all very flexible in their availability and very responsive’.           

‘The team provides sharp advices and has great sector industry knowledge’.

‘The team has in-depth expertise and great ability to anticipate future legislation’

‘Claude Etienne Armingaud is more than a lawyer; he is a trusted partner who knows his own limits and is very friendly’.


As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread around the world and cause unprecedented health and economic challenges, technological measures, once thought extreme, are now being deployed for the purposes of contact tracing, infection tracking, and quarantine compliance. While the search for the right tracking app and software development kits continues, the European Union (EU) is still far from finding a consensus on harmonized model and functionalities. Nevertheless, it is already clear that while app design may be the end result, a complex process of regulatory compliance, risk management and ethics checks, and balances lie ahead.


K&L Gates ranked “Highly Recommended – Band 1” with Claude-Etienne Armingaud.

Source: Leaders League

K&L Gates ranked “Recommended” with Claude-Etienne Armingaud.

Source: Leaders League

K&L Gates ranked “Recommended – Band 2” with Claude-Etienne Armingaud.

Source: Leaders League

Honored & humbled to be ranked in Leaders_league in the many areas our K&L Gates team has been relentlessly pushing boundaries – thanks to clients & colleagues for their continued trust!

The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA) stands to radically change the way organisations throughout the United States, and even the world, handle personal data. Coming into force on 1 January 2020, CCPA has motivated other U.S. states such as Washington and Texas to move toward having their own privacy laws. Increasingly, pressure is building in Washington, DC, to advance federal privacy legislation, both on the domestic and international scene. In addition to Japan obtaining a GDPR-adequacy recognition (followed soon by Korea and India), Brazil has adopted its General Data Protection Act (GDPA) which is heavily inspired by the EU GDPR and will come into force in August 2020. In this session, hear about the new laws and legislative initiatives, how they will change the way you do business internationally and how to get prepared.

Along with Delphine Charlot, CIPP/E, Senior Counsel, Privacy and Data Protection, Mastercard

On March 29, 2018, French President Emmanuel Macron announced his plan to turn France into a global leader in AI. This political leadership was subsequently translated into the Villani report on AI, highlighting autonomous vehicles (AVs) as a regulatory case study, and the Idrac report on AVs. Following these reports, the regulatory framework is currently being amended. This presentation will outline the key changes and how they will affect AV developments in France and in the EU.

More information on the Future of Transportation World Conference 2019 website.