IAPP KnowledgeNet France – #DPD23 Happy Hour

La Maze 13 Rue Tiquetonne, Paris, France

Joignez vous à nous le jeudi 26 janvier à 19 heures pour le premier #HappyHour de l'année avec l’IAPP en l'honneur du #DataPrivacyDay ! 🍸 Notre invitée spéciale sera Emmanuelle Bartoli de #Capgemini Merci à toute l'équipe IAPP #KnowledgeNet – France : Sarah Cadiot, Wajdi Kharrat (CIPP/E-CISA-CDPSE), Matthieu Richard et Camille Scarparo Inscriptions par ici …
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🇺🇸🇫🇷 IAPP Data Protection Intensive: France

Le Méridien Etoile 81 Boulevard Gouvion-Saint-Cyr, Paris, France

Get French data protection perspectives with a global outlook Join us in person in Paris for our fourth annual IAPP Data Protection Intensive: France 2023. It is happening 14-15 March and offers two days of operational and practical data protection education you can put to work straight away at your organization. This year’s speakers features …
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🇺🇸 Codes of Conduct — GDPR’s Prodigal Son Finally Arriving?

Le Méridien Etoile 81 Boulevard Gouvion-Saint-Cyr, Paris, France

Claude-Étienne Armingaud, CIPP/E, Partner, Data Protection Privacy and Security Practice Group Coordinator, K&L Gates Gabriela Mercuri, Managing Director, SCOPE Europe Jörn Wittmann, Director Privacy Legislative Strategy and Public Policy, Volkswagen AG Codes of conduct overseen by accredited monitoring bodies are one of the breakthrough innovations introduced by EU General Data Protection Regulation. As part of its accountability framework, GDPR not only shifted …
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🇺🇸 IAPP Global Privacy Summit

Walter E. Washington Convention Center 801 L Street NW, Washington, DC, USA

Every year the Summit gets bigger and better, and the IAPP’s Summit 2023 will be no exception. This highly anticipated, four-day event attracts professionals from all over the globe to connect and learn about the latest developments in privacy and data protection. Get ready for high-profile speakers, exceptional session content and ample opportunities to expand …
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🇺🇸 Safeguarding the World’s Trust – The Privacy Collective

Radar FIrst

Speakers: Zelda Olentia, Senior Product Manager, RadarFirst Claude-Étienne Armingaud, CIPP/E, Partner, Data Protection Privacy and Security Practice Group Coordinator, K&L Gates LLP Air Date: Wednesday, June 14 at 1 pm ET / 10 am PT Description Gartner predicts that by the end of 2024, 75% of the world’s population will have its personal data covered under modern privacy …
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🇫🇷 Managing Privacy And Accountability In The AI Ethical Landscape

This panel session will focus on the growing concern over the ethical use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on privacy. The panelists will discuss the role of accountability in developing responsible AI practices and the potential risks of AI systems when not properly regulated. They will also explore the importance of transparency and …
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🇫🇷 OneTrust TrustWeek Paris: Charting GDPR – Navigating the EU and global data laws

NODD Oxygen La Defense 2 Esplanade du Général de Gaulle, Courbevoie, France

Post-Brexit EU businesses have needed to rethink how they approach showing compliance with a host of regulations, managing international data transfers and building trust with data subjects. Having to comply with the GDPR, prepare for other data protection bills, all while continuing to comply with the EU-GDPR as well as a host of global regulations …
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🇺🇸 Regulating AI Part-IV: The EU AI Ac – The Expected International Impacts of the First Comprehensive AI Regulation

K&L Gates London One New Change, London, United Kingdom

Part IV of our series “Regulating AI: The Potential Impact of Global Regulation of Artificial Intelligence” will focus on recent developments in general availability of AI and how generative AI solutions are leading regulators, at a global level, to consider legal frameworks to protect both individuals affected by AI and digital sovereignty. The program will feature a …
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🇫🇷 RGPD, 6 ans après: Où en sommes-nous?

Morning Amsterdam 75 Rue d'Amsterdam, Paris, France

Six ans déjà... Nouvelle bougie pour le RGPD... et une table ronde en compagnie d'Aurélie Banck d'Europcar Mobility Group et de Noshin Khan, de OneTrust pour fêter ça - venez célébrer et dresser le bilan avec nous ! Spoiler : il n'y aura clairement pas de PowerPoint... En détail : 🗓️ 30 mai 🕰️ 18h30 …
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