Event: IAPP Data Protection Intensive: France
Date: 18 March 2022
Time: 2:00 PM CET
Location: Le Méridien Etoile, 81 Boulevard Gouvion Saint-Cyr 75848 Cedex 17, 75017 Paris
The dynamics in online advertising have always been head spinning — but the latest developments promise to go beyond. The slow death of third-party cookies is shaking up the industry and raises new questions privacy professionals have to grapple with. With the upcoming e-Privacy Regulation, a new law is taking shape. And to add even more complexity, French lawmakers are eager to push through a new privacy law for online marketing based on the old e-Privacy Directive. Hear from industry experts what to expect and how to navigate the uncertainties. This panel will also address cutting edge questions like cookie walls, nudging, or dark patterns.