Priv’Happy Hour on ClubHouse
Let's meet & discuss about the fast evolving issues of privacy online - GDPR, DSA, DMA. Bring your own drinks, obviously!
Let's meet & discuss about the fast evolving issues of privacy online - GDPR, DSA, DMA. Bring your own drinks, obviously!
Who is there? Kin Matcheu Madjeu, Edem Alomatsi, Drey Rhodes, Mira Landu, Claude-Etienne Armingaud What's up? Nous vous proposons une brève revue de l’actualité sur les failles de sécurité de l’application Clubhouse et de discuter des solutions envisageables #durée: 2h
Who is there? Claude-Etienne Armingaud, Jennifer Chung, Desiree Moore, Katia Lin, Mariam Najjuma, Cathy-Eitel Nzume, Kin Matcheu Madjeu What's up? Everything you wanted to know or are afraid of relating to European privacy and beyond - let's exchange in an informal setting and kill a couple of misconceptions and drinks on the way!
Who is there? Claude-Etienne Armingaud, Kin Matcheu Madjeu, MG Plasseraud, Charles Bouthier, Maria Lancri, Jade Charlotte Caboche, Alan Walter, Clara Benyamin What's up? Venez discuter des vos expériences et appréhensions face à la mise en œuvre de la conformité au Règlement Général sur la Protection de Données et médire sur ceux qui parlent de "la" …
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w/ Kin Matcheu Madjeu, Claude-Etienne Armingaud Un mythe ou une réalité ? Venez discuter de vos retours d’expérience dans la mise en conformité de projets innovants avec le RGPD.
w/ Claude-Etienne Armingaud, Charles Bouthier, Anaïs Person, Maria Lancri, Jade Charlotte Caboche, Noshin Khan, Charles Thomasse, Kin Matcheu Madjeu, Vanessa Lerke Les nouvelles lignes directrices sur les Assistants Vocaux ont été publiées et ouvrent la voie a une régulation de l'IA - parlons-en et trinquons à la santé du Comité EU à la Protection des …
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w/ Kin Matcheu Madjeu, Claude-Etienne Armingaud, Chayemaa Ben, Pierre Ferran, Lloyd Clark Come and meet persons interested in discussing data protection, GDPR, privacy and more. Find a co-host to open new rooms about these topics.
GDPR fines have been increasing over the last 18 months, and it is proving to be a complex environment for the regulators and the regulated. But GDPR has not led to seismic changes (the possibility of entirely new operating models, for example), but has had a major effect on the ways organizations collect and use …
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Host - Paul Hampton, Senior Product Manager, Thales Speakers : Stewart Room, Partner, Global Head of Data Protection & Cyber Security, DWF Claude-Étienne Armingaud, CIPP/E, Partner - Practice Group Coordinator | Data Protection, Privacy and Security, K&L Gates LLP Ray Walshe, Director and EU Observatory for ICT Standards, Dublin City University Most organisations have felt …
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Event: IAPP Data Protection Intensive: France Date: 18 March 2022 Time: 2:00 PM CET Location: Le Méridien Etoile, 81 Boulevard Gouvion Saint-Cyr 75848 Cedex 17, 75017 Paris The dynamics in online advertising have always been head spinning — but the latest developments promise to go beyond. The slow death of third-party cookies is shaking up the industry …
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