In a significant ruling on 14 February 2025, the First Instance Court of Nanterre, France ordered a company to suspend the deployment of several artificial intelligence tools until proper consultation with its Works Council has been completed.

The company started implementing new AI applications while the mandatory Works Council consultation process was still ongoing. Despite the claim that these tools were merely in a “pilot phase,” the court found that their deployment to employees constituted actual implementation rather than simple experimentation.

The court’s decision emphasizes the importance of respecting employee representation rights in the digital transformation of workplaces, especially in France. This injunctive relief ruled that the premature implementation of the AI tools constituted a “manifestly unlawful disturbance” of the Works Council prerogatives.

This case sets an important precedent for companies implementing AI technologies in France, highlighting the necessity of proper employee consultation procedures before deploying new technological tools in the workplace, in addition to the recently adopted EU AI Act.

Launched in 2015, the EU’s Digital Single Market Strategy aimed to foster the digital harmonization between the EU member states and contribute to economic growth, boosting jobs, competition, investment and innovation in the EU.

The EU AI Act characterizes a fundamental element of this strategy. By adopting the first general-purpose regulation of artificial intelligence in the world, Brussels sent a global message to all stakeholders, in the EU and abroad, that they need to pay attention to the AI discussion happening in Europe.

The EU AI Act achieves a delicate balancing act between the specifics, including generative AI, systemic models and computing power threshold, and its general risk-based approach. To do so, the act includes a tiered implementation over a three-year period and a flexible possibility to revise some of the more factual elements that would be prone to rapid obsolescence, such as updating the threshold of the floating point operations per second — a measurement of the performance of a computer for general-purpose AI models presumed to have high impact capabilities. At the same time, the plurality of stakeholders involved in the interpretation of the act and its interplay with other adopted, currently in discussion or yet-to-come regulations will require careful monitoring by the impacted players in the AI ecosystems.


We kindly invite you to the K&L Gates Legal & Compliance Breakfast on 8 October 2024 in Frankfurt.

Please join us for coffee, tea and croissants and take away impulses and new momentum for the work on your data strategy.

We will discuss how the Data Act and the AI Act impact a company’s data strategy. How does one reconcile them with each other and with other elements of the legal framework, like GDPR and antitrust laws?

Our key note speaker will be Claude-Étienne Armingaud, a partner at K&L Gates‘ Paris office. He coordinates our European technology and privacy practices and has been building pragmatic legal solutions on both sides of the Atlantic for many years.

We look forward to welcoming you at our Frankfurt office on level 28 of the „Opernturm“ tower.

Please register by clicking here.

Don’t miss the plenary session “AI, the future of law?” on Thursday, October 17 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Palais du Grand Large in Saint-Malo. This event, organized by the ACE – Young Lawyers commission, will be introduced by its president Ludovic Blanc (Lawyer at the Paris Bar, President of ACE-JA national).

Our partner Claude-Etienne Armingaud, CIPP/E (Partner, Data Protection & Technologies), François GIRAULT (Lawyer at the Montpellier Bar, President of the CNB Prospective and Innovation Commission, Vice-President ACE Ouest Méditerranée, Vice-President Liberal Professions CPME 34), Philippe BARON (Lawyer at 2BMP Avocats, President of the CNB Digital Commission) and Christiane Féral-Schuhl (Lawyer at the Paris Bar in digital law, former President of the National Council of Bars, former President of the Paris Bar Association) will participate in this essential discussion on the impact of AI on the legal profession.

This meeting will be hosted by Anne-Cécile Sarfati, journalist and columnist, with a Live Show presented by Tiphaine MARY (Maître et Talons), Lawyer at the Paris Bar.

Do not hesitate to reserve your place by registering via the following link:

Part IV of our series “Regulating AI: The Potential Impact of Global Regulation of Artificial Intelligence” will focus on recent developments in general availability of AI and how generative AI solutions are leading regulators, at a global level, to consider legal frameworks to protect both individuals affected by AI and digital sovereignty.

The program will feature a panel addressing the EU AI Act, on which a preliminary political agreement was reached last December and unanimously approved by the ambassadors of the 27 countries of the European Union on 2 February 2024, prior to its upcoming final votes.

Like the GDPR before it, the EU AI Act will be a trailblazing piece of legislation which will impact companies at global level.

Our panelists will discuss the consequences of the EU AI Act on companies contemplating the provision of AI solutions in the EU market or leveraging AI in the EU, with a special focus on non-EU companies.

Additional topics in our Regulating AI — The Potential Impact of Global Regulation of Artificial Intelligence series include:  

  • Part I – 13 September 2023 (EU / U.K.) – View Recording
  • Part II – 7 December 2023 (Asia-Pacific Region: China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan) – View Recording
  • Part III – 12 December 2023 (United States)

Register or watch the replay here.

Access the full text of the EU AI Act here.