Très heureux d’avoir accueilli ce matin en nos locaux GEOTAB pour la conférence « Flottes connectées, réglementation et expériences réussies », modérée par François Denis, Directeur Général France GEOTAB.

Claude-Etienne Armingaud, CIPP/E, associé Protection des données, nous a exposé les enjeux du droit des données à caractère personnel en lien avec les véhicules connectés.

Pascal Six, Business Development Manager, a retracé la manière dont GEOTAB a développé et continue d’adapter son offre, dans le respect des lois applicables en matière de protection des données à caractère personnel.

Pour terminer, Bertrand MATHIEU Directeur des Opérations VAC / Hardouin Loc, nous a fait part de son expérience client réussie avec GEOTAB.

Merci aux intervenants et participants !

Practice head(s):Claude-Etienne Armingaud


‘The team is well versed and up to date on the current standards and practices. Team members are all very flexible in their availability and very responsive’.           

‘The team provides sharp advices and has great sector industry knowledge’.

‘The team has in-depth expertise and great ability to anticipate future legislation’

‘Claude Etienne Armingaud is more than a lawyer; he is a trusted partner who knows his own limits and is very friendly’.


K&L Gates ranked “Highly Recommended – Band 1” with Claude-Etienne Armingaud.

Source: Leaders League

K&L Gates ranked “Recommended” with Claude-Etienne Armingaud.

Source: Leaders League

K&L Gates ranked “Recommended – Band 2” with Claude-Etienne Armingaud.

Source: Leaders League

On March 29, 2018, French President Emmanuel Macron announced his plan to turn France into a global leader in AI. This political leadership was subsequently translated into the Villani report on AI, highlighting autonomous vehicles (AVs) as a regulatory case study, and the Idrac report on AVs. Following these reports, the regulatory framework is currently being amended. This presentation will outline the key changes and how they will affect AV developments in France and in the EU.

More information on the Future of Transportation World Conference 2019 website.

AV Regulation Publication

A French Revolution, at last?

Despite optimistic statements in 2016 on both sides of the Atlantic (in between the European Commission’s communication on connected cars for Europe, and the Obama administration’s Detroit Auto Show announcement), it would seem that some of the hype surrounding connected and autonomous vehicles (“CAVs”) faltered. One reason may be the desensitization of the general public, as the initially promised 2020 deployment is dawning without a hint of general commercial availability in sight. On the other hand, the intricacies of the regulatory frameworks at stake also hinder the development of consumer-ready offers.

More often than not, France is perceived as an administrative maze, yet may become (unexpectedly to some) a leader in the race to regulating this incoming industry. However, far more than being limited to the automotive industry, regulating CAVs will serve as the blueprint for an artificial intelligence (“AI”) legal framework.


Mode information on K&L Gates website

On 17 October 2017, after about 18 months of waiting, a consultation involving more than 20 players, and two intermediate versions, the French Data Protection Authority (“Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés” or “CNIL”) has released the final version of its “compliance package” on Connected Cars (“Compliance Package”).
