Join us on 19 January 2022 – 1.30pm GMT

Host – Paul Hampton, Senior Product Manager, Thales

Speakers :

  • Stewart Room, Partner, Global Head of Data Protection & Cyber Security, DWF
  • Claude-Étienne Armingaud, CIPP/E, Partner – Practice Group Coordinator | Data Protection, Privacy and Security, K&L Gates LLP
  • Ray Walshe, Director and EU Observatory for ICT Standards, Dublin City University

Most organisations have felt the impact of accelerating their cloud adoption strategies in the past two years. While beneficial to the enterprise in numerous areas, such as faster application development, combined with the ability to experiment and quickly leverage elasticity and resiliency, these benefits have also brought significant new security challenges.

Today, enterprises are grappling with security issues never before faced or addressed. The debate of shared responsibility between provider and customer, data sovereignty, the utopian cloud environment and the constant changing of threat models to name a few.

This session will draw on the recent findings of the 2021 Thales Cloud Security Report to discuss how European enterprises are handling the data security repercussions of an accelerated cloud deployment.

Areas for Discussion

• The widespread use of SaaS within the enterprise

• Cloud complexity with ‘lift & shift’, multicloud, and hybrid

• Encryption in the cloud is not as widespread as enterprises think

• How successful are enterprises in maintaining compliance and avoiding breaches in the cloud

• Who owns responsibility for the security of data in the cloud

More information and registration here

On a first day packed with fascinating insight at PrivSec Global, experts explored lessons that enterprise organisations have learned from the first three years of the GDPR.


GDPR fines have been increasing over the last 18 months, and it is proving to be a complex environment for the regulators and the regulated. But GDPR has not led to seismic changes (the possibility of entirely new operating models, for example), but has had a major effect on the ways organizations collect and use data. This panel will discuss the last few years and look ahead to gauge what we have learned and how things will and should change.

Speakers Include:

Jacob Høedt Larsen, Head of Communications, Wired Relations

Andreea Lisievici, Head of Data Protection Compliance, Volvo Car Corporation

Claude-Etienne Armingaud, CIPP/E, Partner & Practice Group Coordinator – Technology, Sourcing and Privacy, K&L Gates

More information.

We are currently experiencing an interesting time in our economy around the future of work. In describing the future of work, there are four main aspects that come into play: (i) People will be able to work remotely and with flexible schedules; (ii) New industries and jobs will be created complementary to technology; (iii) There will be more entrepreneurship and self-employment; and (iv) Due to technology advancements, there will be fewer jobs that require humans.

Against this backdrop, the COVID-19 outbreak pointed out that these new working norms are going to become the future. In fact, more and more companies wonder whether people can work effectively and achieve a level of work-life balance in light of these new working conditions. At the same time, there is considerable research showing that diversity can be the answer to these considerations, leading to a significant performance advantage.

As law firms around the world have been forced into an unplanned experiment with remote and flexible working, the webinar will aim to explore what the new COVID-19 reality means for the workforce and how can they embrace the pandemic’s opportunities for learning and thriving in the workplace.

Les 12 et 13 février 2020, l’IAPP organise sa conférence “Data Protection Intensive: France” — retrouvez nous lors du panel “Global Developments: CCPA and Beyond” avec Delphine Charlot de Mastercard et les meilleurs moments ci-dessous:


The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA) stands to radically change the way organisations throughout the United States, and even the world, handle personal data. Coming into force on 1 January 2020, CCPA has motivated other U.S. states such as Washington and Texas to move toward having their own privacy laws. Increasingly, pressure is building in Washington, DC, to advance federal privacy legislation, both on the domestic and international scene. In addition to Japan obtaining a GDPR-adequacy recognition (followed soon by Korea and India), Brazil has adopted its General Data Protection Act (GDPA) which is heavily inspired by the EU GDPR and will come into force in August 2020. In this session, hear about the new laws and legislative initiatives, how they will change the way you do business internationally and how to get prepared.

Along with Delphine Charlot, CIPP/E, Senior Counsel, Privacy and Data Protection, Mastercard

On March 29, 2018, French President Emmanuel Macron announced his plan to turn France into a global leader in AI. This political leadership was subsequently translated into the Villani report on AI, highlighting autonomous vehicles (AVs) as a regulatory case study, and the Idrac report on AVs. Following these reports, the regulatory framework is currently being amended. This presentation will outline the key changes and how they will affect AV developments in France and in the EU.

More information on the Future of Transportation World Conference 2019 website.

Alongside Michel Puech (Philosopher, La Sorbonne), Vincent Perrin (Watson IBM), Claude Biton (CBC Développement) and Thibault Vian (Converteo)

View the summary of the conference on Viuz website (in French).
