Adopted on 02 December 2024 – For public consultation


Article 48 GDPR provides that: “Any judgment of a court or tribunal and any decision of an administrative authority of a third country requiring a controller or processor to transfer or disclose personal data may only be recognised or enforceable in any manner if based on an international agreement, such as a mutual legal assistance treaty, in force between the requesting third country and the Union or a Member State, without prejudice to other grounds for transfer pursuant to this Chapter”.

The purpose of these guidelines is to clarify the rationale and objective of this article, including its interaction with the other provisions of Chapter V of the GDPR, and to provide practical recommendations for controllers and processors in the EU that may receive requests from third country authorities to disclose or transfer personal data.

The main objective of the provision is to clarify that judgments or decisions from third country authorities cannot automatically and directly be recognised or enforced in an EU Member State, thus underlining the legal sovereignty vis-a-vis third country law. As a general rule, recognition and enforceability of foreign judgements and decisions is ensured by applicable international agreements.

Regardless of whether an applicable international agreement exists, if a controller or processor in the EU receives and answers a request from a third country authority for personal data, such data flow is a transfer under the GDPR and must comply with Article 6 and the provisions of Chapter V.

An international agreement may provide for both a legal basis (under Article 6(1)(c) or 6(1)(e)) and a ground for transfer (under Article 46(2)(a)).

In the absence of an international agreement, or if the agreement does not provide for a legal basis under Article 6(1)(c) or 6(1)(e), other legal bases could be considered. Similarly, if there is no international agreement or the agreement does not provide for appropriate safeguards under Article 46(2)(a), other grounds for transfer could apply, including the derogations in Article 49.

Go to the full Guidelines.

Access official publication on EDPB website.


These guidelines analyse the criteria set down in Article 6(1)(f) GDPR that controllers must meet to lawfully engage in the processing of personal data that is “necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party”.

Article 6(1)(f) GDPR is one of the six legal bases for the lawful processing of personal data envisaged by the GDPR. Article 6(1)(f) GDPR should neither be treated as a “last resort” for rare or unexpected situations where other legal bases are deemed not to apply nor should it be automatically chosen or its use unduly extended on the basis of a perception that Article 6(1)(f) GDPR is less constraining than other legal bases.

For processing to be based on Article 6(1)(f) GDPR, three cumulative conditions must be fulfilled:

  • First, the pursuit of a legitimate interest by the controller or by a third party;
  • Second, the need to process personal data for the purposes of the legitimate interest(s) pursued; and
  • Third, the interests or fundamental freedoms and rights of the concerned data subjects do not take precedence over the legitimate interest(s) of the controller or of a third party.

In order to determine whether a given processing of personal data may be based on Article 6(1)(f) GDPR, controllers should carefully assess and document whether these three cumulative conditions are met. This assessment should be done before carrying out the relevant processing operations.

With regard to the condition relating to the pursuit of a legitimate interest, not all interests of the controller or a third party may be deemed legitimate; only those interests that are lawful, precisely articulated and present may be validly invoked to rely on Article 6(1)(f) GDPR as a legal basis. It is also the responsibility of the controller to inform the data subject of the legitimate interests pursued where that processing is based on Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.

With regard to the condition that the processing of personal data be necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued, it should be ascertained whether the legitimate interests pursued cannot reasonably be achieved just as effectively by other means less restrictive of the fundamental rights and freedoms of data subjects, also taking into account the principles enshrined in Article 5(1) GDPR. If such other means exist, the processing may not be based on Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.

With regard to the condition that the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the person concerned by the data processing do not take precedence over the legitimate interests of the controller or of a third party, that condition entails a balancing of the opposing rights and interests at issue which depends in principle on the specific circumstances of the relevant processing. The processing may take place only if the outcome of this balancing exercise is that the legitimate interests being pursued are not overridden by the data subjects’ interests, rights and freedoms.

A proper Article 6(1)(f) GDPR assessment is not a straightforward exercise. Rather, the assessment — and in particular the balancing of opposing interests and rights — requires full consideration of a number of factors, such as the nature and source of the relevant legitimate interest(s), the impact of the processing on the data subject and their reasonable expectations about the processing, and the existence of additional safeguards which could limit undue impact on the data subject. The present guidelines provide guidance on how such an assessment should be carried out in practice, including in a number of specific contexts (e.g., fraud prevention, direct marketing, information security, etc.) where this legal basis may be considered.

The guidelines also explain the relationship that exists between Article 6(1)(f) GDPR and a number of data subject rights under the GDPR.


Version 1.0 – Adopted on 8 October 2024

These guidelines analyse the criteria set down in Article 6(1)(f) GDPR that controllers must meet to lawfully engage in the processing of personal data that is “necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party”.

Article 6(1)(f) GDPR is one of the six legal bases for the lawful processing of personal data envisaged by the GDPR. Article 6(1)(f) GDPR should neither be treated as a “last resort” for rare or unexpected situations where other legal bases are deemed not to apply nor should it be automatically chosen or its use unduly extended on the basis of a perception that Article 6(1)(f) GDPR is less constraining than other legal bases.

For processing to be based on Article 6(1)(f) GDPR, three cumulative conditions must be fulfilled: • First, the pursuit of a legitimate interest by the controller or by a third party; • Second, the need to process personal data for the purposes of the legitimate interest(s) pursued; and • Third, the interests or fundamental freedoms and rights of the concerned data subjects do not take precedence over the legitimate interest(s) of the controller or of a third party.

In order to determine whether a given processing of personal data may be based on Article 6(1)(f) GDPR, controllers should carefully assess and document whether these three cumulative conditions are met. This assessment should be done before carrying out the relevant processing operations.

With regard to the condition relating to the pursuit of a legitimate interest, not all interests of the controller or a third party may be deemed legitimate; only those interests that are lawful, precisely articulated and present may be validly invoked to rely on Article 6(1)(f) GDPR as a legal basis. It is also the responsibility of the controller to inform the data subject of the legitimate interests pursued where that processing is based on Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.

With regard to the condition that the processing of personal data be necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued, it should be ascertained whether the legitimate interests pursued cannot reasonably be achieved just as effectively by other means less restrictive of the fundamental rights and freedoms of data subjects, also taking into account the principles enshrined in Article 5(1) GDPR. If such other means exist, the processing may not be based on Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.

With regard to the condition that the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the person concerned by the data processing do not take precedence over the legitimate interests of the controller or of a third party, that condition entails a balancing of the opposing rights and interests at issue which depends in principle on the specific circumstances of the relevant processing. The processing may take place only if the outcome of this balancing exercise is that the legitimate interests being pursued are not overridden by the data subjects’ interests, rights and freedoms.

A proper Article 6(1)(f) GDPR assessment is not a straightforward exercise. Rather, the assessment — and in particular the balancing of opposing interests and rights — requires full consideration of a number of factors, such as the nature and source of the relevant legitimate interest(s), the impact of the processing on the data subject and their reasonable expectations about the processing, and the existence of additional safeguards which could limit undue impact on the data subject. The present guidelines provide guidance on how such an assessment should be carried out in practice, including in a number of specific contexts (e.g., fraud prevention, direct marketing, information security, etc.) where this legal basis may be considered.

The guidelines also explain the relationship that exists between Article 6(1)(f) GDPR and a number of data subject rights under the GDPR.

Go to the full Guidelines.

Version 2.0 – Adopted on 7 October 2024

Executive summary

In these Guidelines, the EDPB addresses the applicability of Article 5(3) of the ePrivacy Directive to different technical solutions. These Guidelines expand upon the Opinion 9/2014 of the Article 29 Working Party on the application of ePrivacy Directive to device fingerprinting and aim to provide a clear understanding of the technical operations covered by Article 5(3) of the ePrivacy Directive.

The emergence of new tracking methods to both replace existing tracking tools (for example, cookies, due to discontinued support for third-party cookies by some browser vendors) and create new business models has become a critical data protection concern. While the applicability of Article 5(3) of the ePrivacy Directive is well established and implemented for some tracking technologies such as cookies, there is a need to address ambiguities related to the application of the said provision to emerging tracking tools.

The Guidelines identify three key elements for the applicability of Article 5(3) of the ePrivacy Directive (section 2.1), namely ‘information’, ‘terminal equipment of a subscriber or user’ and ‘gaining access and ‘storage of information and stored information’. The Guidelines further provide a detailed analysis of each element (section 2.2-2.6).

In section 3, that analysis is applied to a non-exhaustive list of use cases representing common techniques, namely:

  • URL and pixel tracking
  • Local processing
  • Tracking based on IP only
  • Intermittent and mediated Internet of Things (IoT) reporting
  • Unique Identifier

Go to the full Guidelines.

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has recently published guidance for employers on monitoring workers lawfully, transparently and fairly. The guidance aims to protect workers’ data protection rights and help employers to build trust with workers, customers and service users. With Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the rise, the temptation may be strong for employers to leverage those emerging technologies in that space. This alert summarizes some specific steps employers should prioritise in light of the ICO guidance.


Version 2.1 dated 24 May 2023 – Go to the official PDF version.

Executive Summary

The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) has adopted these guidelines to harmonise the methodology supervisory authorities use when calculating of the amount of the fine. These Guidelines complement the previously adopted Guidelines on the application and setting of administrative fines for the purpose of the Regulation 2016/679 (WP253), which focus on the circumstances in which to impose a fine.

The calculation of the amount of the fine is at the discretion of the supervisory authority, subject to the rules provided for in the GDPR. In that context, the GDPR requires that the amount of the fine shall in each individual case be effective, proportionate and dissuasive (Article 83(1) GDPR). Moreover, when setting the amount of the fine, supervisory authorities shall give due regard to a list of circumstances that refer to features of the infringement (its seriousness) or of the character of the perpetrator (Article 83(2) GDPR). Lastly, the amount of the fine shall not exceed the maximum amounts provided for in Articles 83(4) (5) and (6) GDPR. The quantification of the amount of the fine is therefore based on a specific evaluation carried out in each case, within the parameters provided for by the GDPR.

Taking the abovementioned into account, the EDPB has devised the following methodology, consisting of five steps, for calculating administrative fines for infringements of the GDPR.

Firstly, the processing operations in the case must be identified and the application of Article 83(3) GDPR needs to be evaluated (Chapter 3). Second, the starting point for further calculation of the amount  of  the fine needs to be identified (Chapter 4). This is done by evaluating the classification of the infringement in the GDPR, evaluating the seriousness of the infringement in light of the circumstances of the case, and evaluating the turnover of the undertaking. The third step is the evaluation of aggravating and mitigating circumstances related to past or present behaviour of the controller/processor and increasing or decreasing the fine accordingly (Chapter 5). The fourth step is identifying the relevant legal maximums for the different infringements. Increases applied in previous or next steps cannot exceed this maximum amount (Chapter 6). Lastly, it needs to be analysed whether the calculated final amount meets the requirements of effectiveness, dissuasiveness and proportionality. The fine can still be adjusted accordingly (Chapter 7), however without exceeding the relevant legal maximum.

Throughout all abovementioned steps, it must be borne in mind that the calculation of a fine is no mere mathematical exercise. Rather, the circumstances of the specific case are the determining factors leading to the final amount, which can – in all cases – be any amount up to and including the legal maximum.

These Guidelines and its methodology will remain under constant review of the EDPB.


Access the full list of the EDPB and WP29 Guidelines here, including consultation versions, now-current versions and redlines between versions.

Version 2.1 – Adopted on 24 May 2023

Version history

Version 1.013 April 2021Adoption of the Guidelines for public consultation
Version 2.024 May 2023Adoption of the Guidelines after public consultation
Version 2.115 July 2024Editorial corrections

Executive summary

Article 65(1)(a) GDPR is a dispute resolution mechanism meant to ensure the correct and consistent application of the GDPR in cases involving cross-border processing of personal data. It aims to resolve conflicting views among the LSA(s) and CSA(s) on the merits of the case, in particular whether there is an infringement of the GDPR or not, in order to ensure the correct and consistent application of the GDPR in individual cases. These Guidelines clarify the application of the dispute resolution procedure under Article 65(1)(a) GDPR.

Article 65(1)(a) GDPR requires the EDPB issues a binding decision whenever a Lead Supervisory Authority (LSA) issues a draft decision and receives objections from Concerned Supervisory Authorities (CSAs) that either it does not follow or it deems to be not relevant and reasoned.

These Guidelines clarify the applicable legal framework and main stages of the procedure, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, the GDPR and EDPB Rules of Procedure. The Guidelines also clarify the competence of the EDPB when adopting a legally binding decision on the basis of Article 65(1)(a) GDPR. In accordance with Article 65(1)(a) GDPR, the EDPB binding decision shall concern all the matters which are the subject of the relevant and reasoned objection. Consequently, the EDPB will first assess whether the objection(s) raised meet the “relevant and reasoned” standard set in Article 4(24) GDPR. Only for the objections meeting this threshold, the EDPB will take a position on the merits of the substantial issues raised. The Guidelines analyse examples of objections signalling disagreements between the LSA and CSA(s) on specific matters and clarify the EDPB’s competence in each case.

The Guidelines also clarify the applicable procedural safeguards and remedies, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, the GDPR and EDPB Rules of Procedure. In particular, these Guidelines address the right to be heard, the right of access to the file, the duty for the EDPB to provide reasoning for its decisions, as well as a description of the available judicial remedies.

These Guidelines do not concern dispute resolution by the EDPB in cases where: (1) there are conflicting views on which of the supervisory authorities concerned is competent for the main establishment (Article 65(1)(b) GDPR); or (2) a competent supervisory authority does not request the opinion of the Board in the cases referred to in Article 64(1), or does not follow the opinion of the Board issued under Article 64 (Article 65(1)(c) GDPR).

Go to the full Guidelines.

Version 2.0 – Adopted 28 March 2023

Version history

Version 1.010 October 2022Adoption of the Guidelines (updated version of the previous guidelines WP250 (rev.01) adopted by the Working Party 29 and endorsed by the EDPB on 25 May 2018) for a targeted public consultation
Version 2.028 March 2023Adoption of the Guidelines following the targeted public consultation on the subject of data breach notification for controllers not established in the EEA.


  1. The GDPR introduced the requirement for a personal data breach (henceforth “breach”) to be notified to the competent national supervisory authority (or in the case of a cross-border breach, to the lead authority) and, in certain cases, to communicate the breach to the individuals whose personal data have been affected by the breach.
  2. Obligations to notify in cases of breaches existed for certain organisations, such as providers of publicly-available electronic communications services (as specified in Directive 2009/136/EC and Regulation (EU) No 611/2013). There were also some Member States that already had their own national breach notification obligation. This might included the obligation to notify breaches involving categories of controllers in addition to providers of publicly available electronic communication services (for example in Germany and Italy), or an obligation to report all breaches involving personal data (such as in the Netherlands). Other Member States might had relevant Codes of Practice (for example, in Ireland). Whilst a number of EU data protection authorities encouraged controllers to report breaches, the Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC, which the GDPR replaced, did not contain a specific breach notification obligation and therefore such a requirement was new for many organisations. The GDPR makes notification mandatory for all controllers unless a breach is unlikely to result in a risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals. Processors also have an important role toplay and they must notify any breach to their controller.
  3. The EDPB considers that the notification requirement has a number of benefits. When notifying the supervisory authority, controllers can obtain advice on whether the affected individuals need to be informed. Indeed, the supervisory authority may order the controller to inform those individuals about the breach. Communicating a breach to individuals allows the controller to provide information on the risks presented as a result of the breach and the steps those individuals can take to protect themselves from its potential consequences. The focus of any breach response plan should be on protecting individuals and their personal data. Consequently, breach notification should be seen as a tool enhancing compliance in relation to the protection of personal data. At the same time, it should be noted that failure to report a breach to either an individual or a supervisory authority may mean that under Article 83 GDPR a possible sanction is applicable to the controller.
  4. Controllers and processors are therefore encouraged to plan in advance and put in place processes to be able to detect and promptly contain a breach, to assess the risk to individuals, and then to determine whether it is necessary to notify the competent supervisory authority, and to communicate the breach to the individuals concerned when necessary. Notification to the supervisory authority should form a part of that incident response plan.
  5. The GDPR contains provisions on when a breach needs to be notified, and to whom, as well as what information should be provided as part of the notification. Information required for the notification can be provided in phases, but in any event controllers should act on any breach in a timely manner.
  6. In its Opinion 03/2014 on personal data breach notification12, WP29 provided guidance to controllers in order to help them to decide whether to notify data subjects in case of a breach. The opinion considered the obligation of providers of electronic communications regarding Directive 2002/58/EC and provided examples from multiple sectors, in the context of the then draft GDPR, and presented good practices for all controllers.
  7. The current Guidelines explain the mandatory breach notification and communication requirements of the GDPR and some of the steps controllers and processors can take to meet these obligations. They also give examples of various types of breaches and who would need to be notified in different scenarios

Go to the full Guidelines.

EDPB Guidelines on Amicable Settlements: Key Points

The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) has released guidelines on how supervisory authorities (SAs) should handle amicable settlements under GDPR. Here are the key takeaways:

What is an Amicable Settlement?

  • A process where data protection authorities facilitate resolution of complaints between data subjects and controllers
  • Aims to achieve compliance with GDPR while satisfying both parties’ interests
  • Most suitable for cases involving:
    • Limited number of data subjects
    • Non-systematic violations
    • Incidental/accidental breaches
    • Limited personal data
    • Non-serious violations

Key Principles

  • Not all EU countries allow amicable settlements (14 countries explicitly don’t permit them)
  • Can be used in both local cases and cross-border processing scenarios
  • Must respect principles of good administration and due process
  • Should lead to swift resolution while maintaining high level of data protection

Cross-border Cases

In One-Stop-Shop (OSS) mechanism:

Important Considerations

  • Settlement doesn’t prevent further investigation if systemic issues are discovered
  • Can be partial – some aspects of complaint may require formal investigation
  • Must be documented and communicated properly to all parties
  • Should include proof of compliance from controller and satisfaction from data subject

These guidelines represent a significant step toward harmonizing how data protection authorities handle complaints across the EU, while maintaining flexibility to account for national legal frameworks and specific case circumstances.

Go to the full guidelines.