Notified Body

Posted by Claude-Etienne Armingaud in - (Comments Off on Notified Body)

A Conformity Assessment Body notified in accordance with this Regulation and other relevant Union harmonisation legislation.

Source: Article 3(22) of the EU AI Act


Conformity Assessment Body

Posted by Claude-Etienne Armingaud in - (Comments Off on Conformity Assessment Body)

A body that performs third-party Conformity Assessment activities, including testing, certification and inspection.

Source: Article 3(21) of the EU AI Act


Conformity Assessment

Posted by Claude-Etienne Armingaud in - (Comments Off on Conformity Assessment)

The process of demonstrating whether the requirements set out in Chapter III, Section 2 relating to a High-Risk AI System have been fulfilled.

Source: Article 3(20) of the EU AI Act


Notifying Authority

Posted by Claude-Etienne Armingaud in - (Comments Off on Notifying Authority)

The national authority responsible for setting up and carrying out the necessary procedures for the assessment, designation and notification of Conformity Assessment Bodies and for their monitoring.

Source: Article 3(19) of the EU AI Act


Performance of an AI System

Posted by Claude-Etienne Armingaud in - (Comments Off on Performance of an AI System)

The ability of an AI System to achieve its Intended Purpose.

Source: Article 3(18) of the EU AI Act


Withdrawal of an AI System

Posted by Claude-Etienne Armingaud in - (Comments Off on Withdrawal of an AI System)

Any measure aimed at preventing an AI System in the supply chain being made available on the market.

Source: Article 3(17) of the EU AI Act


Recall of an AI System

Posted by Claude-Etienne Armingaud in - (Comments Off on Recall of an AI System)

Any measure aimed at achieving the return to the Provider or taking it out of service or disabling the use of an AI System made available to Deployers.

Source: Article 3(16) of the EU AI Act


Instructions for Use

Posted by Claude-Etienne Armingaud in - (Comments Off on Instructions for Use)

The information provided by the Provider to inform the Deployer of, in particular, an AI System’s Intended Purpose and proper use.

Source: Article 3(15) of the EU AI Act


Safety Component of a Product or System

Posted by Claude-Etienne Armingaud in - (Comments Off on Safety Component of a Product or System)

A component of a product or of an AI System which fulfils a safety function for that product or AI System, or the failure or malfunctioning of which endangers the health and safety of persons or property.

Source: Article 3(14) of the EU AI Act


Intended Purpose

Posted by Claude-Etienne Armingaud in - (Comments Off on Intended Purpose)

The use for which an AI System is intended by the Provider, including the specific context and conditions of use, as specified in the information supplied by the Provider in the Instructions for Use, promotional or sales materials and statements, as well as in the technical documentation.

Source: Article 3(12) of the EU AI Act
