Practice head(s): Claude-Etienne Armingaud


K&L Gates LLP covers a myriad of IT and internet issues, from GDRP compliance to contract negotiation. The firm is notable for its expertise in IP and data protection matters, as well as, increasingly, AI, NFT and blockchain issues. The practice is led by Claude-Etienne Armingaud, who is dual-qualified in France and the US, and is consequently well placed to handle multi-jurisdictional transactions.

Practice head(s): Claude-Etienne Armingaud


Entering Chambers Europe/France TMT: Data Protection ranking as an Up & Coming lawyer.

Client testimonials:

Claude-Étienne has a vision that goes beyond IT into other areas, so he gives multidisciplinary and strategic insights. He is also pleasant to work with and efficient.

He works really efficiently for us; he is really dedicated and clearly passionate about it too.

Source: Chambers Europe

Part IV of our series “Regulating AI: The Potential Impact of Global Regulation of Artificial Intelligence” will focus on recent developments in general availability of AI and how generative AI solutions are leading regulators, at a global level, to consider legal frameworks to protect both individuals affected by AI and digital sovereignty.

The program will feature a panel addressing the EU AI Act, on which a preliminary political agreement was reached last December and unanimously approved by the ambassadors of the 27 countries of the European Union on 2 February 2024, prior to its upcoming final votes.

Like the GDPR before it, the EU AI Act will be a trailblazing piece of legislation which will impact companies at global level.

Our panelists will discuss the consequences of the EU AI Act on companies contemplating the provision of AI solutions in the EU market or leveraging AI in the EU, with a special focus on non-EU companies.

Additional topics in our Regulating AI — The Potential Impact of Global Regulation of Artificial Intelligence series include:  

  • Part I – 13 September 2023 (EU / U.K.) – View Recording
  • Part II – 7 December 2023 (Asia-Pacific Region: China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan) – View Recording
  • Part III – 12 December 2023 (United States)

Register or watch the replay here.

Access the full text of the EU AI Act here.

Join our session as we explore the implications of the EU AI Act. In this webinar, we’ll:

Featured speakers

Yücel Hamzaoğlu​

HHK Legal

Melike Hamzaoğlu

HHK Legal

Claude-Étienne Armingaud​

KL Gates

Noshin Khan​

Ethics & Compliance, Associate Director

Harry Chambers

Senior Privacy Analyst

Register here.

Quoted in Agenda article “New EU AI Rules Will Have Global Impact“:

The scope of the EU AI Act will apply to all companies whose AI systems are used or affect EU-based individuals, according to Claude-Etienne Armingaud, a partner in K&L Gates’ Paris office and a member of the law firm’s technology transactions and sourcing practice group.

Due to its breadth, global companies developing AI systems, most of which are headquartered either in the U.S. or in China, will face two options: “Get in line with the EU AI Act or abstain from the EU market,” Armingaud said.

Some companies threatened to exit the European market after the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, became effective in 2018, but many didn’t actually follow through, according to Armingaud.

“So, without a doubt, all companies dabbling in AI will need to comply if they truly want to remain global,” he said.

Agenda – New EU AI Rules Will Have Global Impact

New ranking in Who’s Who Data 2024 as Recommended in the Data Privacy & Protection and Information Technology categories.

Post-Brexit EU businesses have needed to rethink how they approach showing compliance with a host of regulations, managing international data transfers and building trust with data subjects. Having to comply with the GDPR, prepare for other data protection bills, all while continuing to comply with the EU-GDPR as well as a host of global regulations means businesses might look to certification as a common system for adequacy as a one-stop shop, when addressing the overlaps and more crucially closing the gaps on their privacy compliance programs.

Featured speakers:

  • Noshin Khan, Senior Compliance Counsel, Ethics Center of Excellence, OneTrust 
  • Claude-Étienne Armingaud, Partner, K&L Gates

Register here.

This panel session will focus on the growing concern over the ethical use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on privacy. The panelists will discuss the role of accountability in developing responsible AI practices and the potential risks of AI systems when not properly regulated. They will also explore the importance of transparency and the need for data privacy regulations in the development and deployment of AI technologies. The session will provide insights into best practices for AI governance and how organizations can ensure the ethical use of AI while still benefiting from its potential.


#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #gdpr #ethics #dataprotection #regulation #insights23 #pecb #Privacy #Accountability

Access the full text of the EU AI Act here.

K&L Gates ranked “Highly Recommended 1/2” with Claude-Etienne Armingaud.

Source: Leaders League
