Author Archives: Claude-Etienne Armingaud
🇺🇸 Sapin II – Organisational Risk and Crisis Management, K&L Gates Paris Conference, Paris
June 15th, 2017 | Posted by in Anticorruption | Conference | Legislation | Privacy - (0 Comments)The Laguiole trademark saga: Victory can be a double-edged knife
June 13th, 2017 | Posted by in Case Law | Europe | Trademarks - (0 Comments)The European Union Court of Justice confirmed the intellectual property rights owned by the French company “Forge de Laguiole”, but solely in areas in which it pursued an actual business activity.
A decision (Judgement dated 5 April 2017 of the Second Chamber of the EU Court of Justice, No C-598/14 “Szajner”) dated 5 April 2017 of the European Union Court of Justice (“EUCJ”) put an end to the longstanding series of court decisions about the Laguiole trademark before the European Union jurisdictions (“EU Jurisdictions”), on which relied the right for French company “Forge de Laguiole” to keep using its business name. This decision also gave the EUCJ the opportunity to clarify the application of national case law by the EU Jurisdictions within the framework of proceedings based on Article 8 (4) of Council Regulation (EC) No 207/2009 dated 26 February 2009 on the Community trade mark (the “Regulation”).
(more…)Will the misleading use of a geographical indication for handicraft products be deemed counterfeiting? The “Laguiole” case.
April 19th, 2017 | Posted by in Case Law | Competition | France | Trademarks - (0 Comments)As stated in a previous article published in the Trademark and Unfair Competition Bulletin1)“FR – Creation of a new industrial property right in France : « The Geographical indication of industrial and handicraft products »”, … Continue reading, the Act no. 2014–344 on consumer protection, named “Hamon Act” and dated March 17, 2014, created a new industrial property right: the “Geographical Indications protecting Industrial Products and Crafts” (or “Indications Géographiques protégeant les Produits Industriels et Artisanaux”, hereinater, “IGPIA”) in order to include industrial and handicraft products in the scope of the protection of geographical indications.
In the same article, the authors highlighted the fact that prior to the implementation of the aforementioned provision, there was a lack of protection since a third party could use the name of a famous place or city and register it as a trademark to misleadingly sell handicraft products under that name.
Introduction to the Laguiole case
A famous example was the “Laguiole cutlery” case where a third party, among others, was using the famous French city name of “Laguiole” as a trademark to flood the market with knives made in China under that brand. Following the scandal that ensued, the Laguiole municipality launched an action against several companies and legal persons that had registered 27 trademarks in total, on the ground that such use of “Laguiole” was deceptive.
Indeed, the trademark “Laguiole” had been filled in almost all trademarks’ classes and therefore the Laguiole municipality was prevented from using such trademark for its own activities, and in particular for its renowned cheese and cutlery.
After a first instance ruling, the Paris Court of Appeal rejected the Laguiole municipality’s action in 2014 which was subsequently presented to the French Supreme Court (“Cour de cassation”).
The Cour de cassation ruling
By a ruling dated 4 October 2016, the Cour de cassation overturned parts of the ruling of the Court of Appeal and welcomed the argumentation of the Laguiole municipality.
Indeed, the Cour de cassation considered that the use of the “Laguiole” trademark by the defendants was misleading and confusing to consumers since the products sold under that trademark were not manufactured in such place.
In addition to such argument based on consumer protection laws, several arguments grounded on trademark law were also favorably received by the Cour de cassation. However, as such Court only has jurisdiction over legal qualification but not on facts, the end of this saga will be written by the Court of Appeal to which the case has been remanded to for the final ruling.
This Court of Appeal will hopefully close the ongoing debate. However, such Court of Appeal may also side with the initial Court of Appeal ruling. In such a case, the Cour de cassation may have to hear the case again.
Nevertheless, such litigation intervenes in a context where IGPIA have effectively become protected. Even if Laguiole was not among the five applications filed for IGPIA in France (out of which only one has been granted so far), the broad power given to geographical indications with the adoption of the European Regulation No 2015/2424 amending the Community Trade Mark Regulation and the European Directive No 2015/2436 approximating the laws of the Member States relating to trade marks may have an impact on players’ practices.
Indeed, according to these Regulations, the national right granted on geographical indications through IGPIA or otherwise conferred by the courts, may materialize a ground for refusal for not only trademarks applications but also European trademarks. There is thus a strong incentive to seek this protection by any means necessary.
In collaboration with Clémence Marolla.
First publication in the K&L Gates Trademarks & Unfair Competition Bulletin, 1/2017 – Avril 2017
↑1 | “FR – Creation of a new industrial property right in France : « The Geographical indication of industrial and handicraft products »”, Olivia Roche and Claude-Etienne Armingaud, TM and Unfair Competition Bulletin, no. 2/2014 (14) |
Competence and jurisdiction in the field of trademarks: a procedural asset or a way to achieve balanced justice?
April 19th, 2017 | Posted by in Case Law | Competition | France | Trademarks - (0 Comments)In view of the strong international dimension, notably European, of commercial issues related to trademarks, the economic players do not limit the scope of their protection to one single national territory anymore. On the contrary, the current trend is to multiply of the trademarks filings, which often leads to a variety of protections, for a same sign, through a national trademark, a European Union (EU) trademark and an international trademark.
However, in France, the jurisdiction of the courts varies depending upon these different titles, and thus requires, prior to introducing an action, adopting an actual procedural strategy. The Commercial Division of the French Supreme Court, in a decision dated 6 September, 2016 1) Commercial Division of the French Supreme Court, 6 September 2016, No.15-29.113 , confirmed these strategical issues relating to the choice of the forum election. Indeed, according to this decision, limiting the scope of a proceeding to French trademarks becomes a real advantage (1.), which could lead, in fine, to a new equilibrium for trademark litigation in France (2.)
↑1 | Commercial Division of the French Supreme Court, 6 September 2016, No.15-29.113 |
Legal 500 Ranking 2017 – Industry Focus: IT, Telecoms & the Internet – France – Band 2
April 12th, 2017 | Posted by in France | IT | Rankings - (0 Comments)K&L Gates LLP advises on sophisticated global and domestic IT projects and is another name to note in very innovative digital projects for major French clients. The seven-lawyer team is also a reference for data privacy matters and is handling an important dispute with the French data regulator regarding the use of cookies.
Several high-profile luxury goods manufacturers also use the practice. Practice head E. Drouard is highly recommended and recently promoted partner Claude-Etienne Armingaud ‘wastes no time and is straight to the point’.
Source: Legal 500 – Opening Of Top-Level Domain Name To Create Opportunities For IP Right Owners
April 11th, 2017 | Posted by in eCommerce | IT | Trademarks - (0 Comments)The new generic top-level domain (gTLD) .africa, a regional domain for users located in and out of the continent, has been officially validated by ICANN.
More than a decade after its other regional counterparts, such as .eu or .asia, the .africa gTLD has been the subject matter of a legal conundrum for years.
The new generic top-level domain (gTLD) .africa, a regional domain for users located in and out of the continent, has been officially validated by ICANN.
More than a decade after its other regional counterparts, such as .eu or .asia, the .africa gTLD has been the subject matter of a legal conundrum for years.
Guidelines on the right to data portability
April 5th, 2017 | Posted by in Europe | Guidelines | Privacy - (0 Comments)Adopted on 13 December 2016 – As last Revised and adopted on 5 April 2017
Executive summary
Article 20 of the GDPR creates a new right to data portability, which is closely related to the right of access but differs from it in many ways. It allows for data subjects to receive the personal data that they have provided to a controller, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and to transmit those data to another data controller. The purpose of this new right is to empower the data subject and give him/her more control over the personal data concerning him or her.
Since it allows the direct transmission of personal data from one data controller to another, the right to data portability is also an important tool that will support the free flow of personal data in the EU and foster competition between controllers. It will facilitate switching between different service providers, and will therefore foster the development of new services in the context of the digital single market strategy.
This opinion provides guidance on the way to interpret and implement the right to data portability as introduced by the GDPR. It aims at discussing the right to data portability and its scope. It clarifies the conditions under which this new right applies taking into account the legal basis of the data processing (either the data subject’s consent or the necessity to perform a contract) and the fact that this right is limited to personal data provided by the data subject. The opinion also provides concrete examples and criteria to explain the circumstances in which this right applies. In this regard, WP29 considers that the right to data portability covers data provided knowingly and actively by the data subject as well as the personal data generated by his or her activity. This new right cannot be undermined and limited to the personal information directly communicated by the data subject, for example, on an online form.
As a good practice, data controllers should start developing the means that will contribute to answer data portability requests, such as download tools and Application Programming Interfaces. They should guarantee that personal data are transmitted in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and they should be encouraged to ensure the interoperability of the data format provided in the exercise of a data portability request.
The opinion also helps data controllers to clearly understand their respective obligations and recommends best practices and tools that support compliance with the right to data portability. Finally, the opinion recommends that industry stakeholders and trade associations work together on a common set of interoperable standards and formats to deliver the requirements of the right to data portability.
🇺🇸 How will the data-driven economy and internet of things fuel the connected car industry and can global compliance be reached?, GMIS, Abu Dhabi
March 28th, 2017 | Posted by in Conference | Connected Cars | internet | Software - (0 Comments)Global Manufacturing and Industrialisation Summit, Abu Dhabi
🇺🇸 K&L Gates Assembles IoT & Connected Car Panel at #GMIS2017
March 28th, 2017 | Posted by in Communication | Conference | Connected Cars | Legislation | Privacy - (0 Comments)K&L Gates assembled a great panel on March 28 during the Global Manufacturing and Industrialisation Summit (#GMIS2017) at Paris-Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi, including David Bell, Mohammed Omar, Mark Beer OBE, Arthur Artinian, Claude-Etienne Armingaud and William Reichert, to discuss the legal and regulatory issues relating to the Internet of Things (IoT), Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Connected Cars

#GMIS2017 IoT & Connected Car panel with K&L Gates
K&L Gates conseille FactSet dans le cadre de l’acquisition de BISAM Technologies
March 27th, 2017 | Posted by in Deal - (0 Comments)K&L Gates LLP Paris a conseillé FactSet, un des leaders mondiaux en matière de gestion de données financières et d’édition de logiciels d’analyse, dans le cadre de l’acquisition auprès de Aquiline Capital Partners et du management de BISAM Technologies S.A. (“BISAM”), un des principaux éditeurs de logiciels de mesure et d’attribution de performance et de mesure du risque. L’opération s’élève à 205 millions de dollars.
De nombreux grands gestionnaires d’actifs mondiaux utilisent les logiciels de BISAM pour évaluer et améliorer leurs stratégies d’investissement et mieux servir leurs clients. Ces produits vont élargir l’offre existante de FactSet.
L’avis de l’associé en charge du dossier, Jean-Patrice Labautière sur l’opération: “Nous sommes très heureux d’accompagner à nouveau FactSet dans le cadre de son expansion internationale. Cette opération transatlantique sophistiquée est au cœur de notre savoir-faire.”
L’équipe multidisciplinaire qui a conseillé FactSet était constituée de : Jean-Patrice Labautière, Arthur Anton, Julie Dahan (M&A) ; Claude-Etienne Armingaud, Olivia Roche, Clémence Marolla (IP/IT/Data Privacy) ; Christine Artus, Julie Bouchard, Charlotte Dubois (Social) ; Bertrand Dussert, Alban Michou Tognelli (Fiscal).
Première publication : Le Monde du Droit